Friday, November 4, 2011

worth the wait

Oh now that I am back I find myself with so much to say! Where do I begin?
With love of course.
Two days after I kicked wrinkles to the curb (the most fitting and accurate blog name ever) I was delivered the best worst pick up line ever: “You are one hot tomato, can I buy you a drink?”
Really? Seriously? Yep, and it worked. It worked hard core.
Now this was two days after my suspicions that wrinkles was narcissistic pathological liar were confirmed, and literally that day I was sent a link by a friend to a website that listed the characteristics of a sociopath with the message “In retrospect I should have sent this to you three years ago, sorry it took so long” Based on that I was not really in the looking for a girlfriend mood. I was however in the “I deserve good sex after faking it for years” mood and with a line like that, well I just kind of knew.
What started as just that, causal sex, quickly developed into phone calls that lasted till 5 am (even when I had to get up for work) and lost weekends when we barely left the apartment (delivery is a godsend).  During this period I realized she was not just adorable and sexy (a hard combination to find) but she was also insanely smart (biologist), romantic (a natural cassanova), funny (belly laugh hilarious with a wit quicker than mine) and an immensely talented drummer (I am a sucker for a musician).  She is a combination Animal and Beeker from the muppets and she is my definition of perfection.
I kept saying that we were simply friends with benefits and even dated several other women. I did that for two reasons: 1. am really good at being single, I tend to have a rather fabulous time when single and I am just an excellent dater and 2. In the past I have had not only bad luck but bad taste as well and I thought it may behoove me to try and figure out why and how I had stayed in a relationship with someone I really didn’t like being with for three years.
This may have driven some suitors away, but not this one. She was patient and kind (new experiences for me) and just nodded and ignored as appropriate when I said stupid shit like “this is just friends with benefits” She wasn’t pushy or demanding, but she was consistent and supportive (again with the new territory) and without my illogical brain’s consent my heart fell in love. Subconsciously I knew it all along, the immediate reaction of “Oh I can’t wait to tell her/see her/talk to her” every time anything in my life happened was a giveaway but I fought the good fight right up till the moment an old friend ignored my “we are just friends” statement and said to me “thank god you finally are with someone who is not a creepy asshole, well done”.  I realized at that moment that it was okay to be with someone good enough for me, that my underdog/broken fascination did not have to manifest in my romantic relationships. I realized that I had the most wonderful woman I have ever met at my side and all I need to do was reach out and grab her hand and never let go. So I did.

 I very willingly gave up the dating and came to terms with my terribly poor judgment in the past, and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was experiencing a sudden burst of good judgment (even my therapist agreed, and she is not very agreeable by nature) and told her I was ready to watch Star Wars.
That won’t necessarily make sense for the general public, but it is the universal science geek dater/star wars virgin act of love.   

The cats love her, the friends love her, the roomie loves her, and I love her.  I love her so much that she has only been subjected to meeting my godparents (who love her) in terms of family but the BFF meeting is approaching.  They have friended each other on face book and even exchanged emails so I feel confident in that one too.

Recently she told me she would have kept on waiting because I am worth it.
That was so sweet it made me want to listen to 60’s garage girl bands and watch Empire Strikes Back.
I’ve got it bad, and I won’t trade it for anything in the world.
She is simply my sweetie: The drummer.

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